I have worked with art, design and music the greater part of my life. Sold approx. 40 paintings, more illustrations and released a lot of records. I have a record company and I have also done a lot of design work.
Album covers, posters, design for print and more.
Album covers, posters, design for print and more.
2009-2010 Norra konstskolan
2021-2023 Forsbergs Skola - Design & Reklam
(and much Udemy, Domestica and Skillshare)
2021-2023 Forsbergs Skola - Design & Reklam
(and much Udemy, Domestica and Skillshare)
2010 Norra konstskolan
2012 ABF Norra Stor-Stockholm
2020 - Café Ingenstans, Enskede
2021 - Galleri A66, Stockholm
2021 - Galleri Momangen
2021 - Forsbergs Skola julutställning
2012 ABF Norra Stor-Stockholm
2020 - Café Ingenstans, Enskede
2021 - Galleri A66, Stockholm
2021 - Galleri Momangen
2021 - Forsbergs Skola julutställning
Released about 30 records and written/recorded about 140 songs.
I have my own record label called Buzzbox.
I have my own record label called Buzzbox.
I love designing things.